Friday, September 3, 2010


so i havent written in a LONG TIME!!!!! we took a family trip to the beach. We left of the 31 of August and got back on the 2 of September. it rained the whole way to seaside and we were starting to think this wouldn't be the best BEACH trip ever... but the best SHOPS NEAR THE BEACH trip ever! but by the 1st the rain had stopped and we were off to the beach by 10 am! the water was FREEZING but the beach wasn't to windy or cold. we stayed there for about 4 hours. Each of us kids got buried in the sand and sculpted into sea creatures! Daphne and i were being eaten by sharks, Derek and Margot were lobsters! Then we got back to the Motel had lunch and Derek did an # 2 int he Toilet for the 1st time!!!! so we came back to the FUN shops around town! but we got ice cream first to congratulate Derek! what a success!!!! i got some YUMMY birthday cake ice cream! YUM!Us kids went on the TILTA WHORL while margot screamed for attention the whole time.... what a "great" experience! then we did bumber cars... which i FAILED AT! haha! we looked around at the kite shop and stopped by the carousel mall! yaaayyy!!! i love that place! we started on the carousel then went around to all the other stores! i got a SUPER CUTE headband earmuff thing with a BIG purple flower on it!!!!! finally to finish of the day we went to find one of those biking cart thingsss...... 2 people in front... 2 people in the back and they're all pedaling! we found a place where we could rent one and we did! the guy was supposed 2 close 2 hours ago but there were still bikes out! so he let us rent one! we could only ride where cars drive and we couldn't go in parking lots! it was SOOOOO hard to try to go the speed of the cars (which we didn't) and we had to let people pass like every 20 seconds! the guy let up keep it for an hour and 10 mins instead of just an hour so we had a LOT of time to fill! my legs still hurt 2day! for dinner we had taco bell and KFC.... 4 some reason the place let us order from both places... so we did! they were like combined or something! anyway! we had 2 eat mashed potatoes with NO SPOONS!!!! ahhhh!!! so we were dipping the fries in potato ... then in gravy! it was REALLY hot! ahhh!!!! the next day we had to be home by noon so we thought we were just going to wake up and go home. But we decided 2 wake up at 7 and go to the beach for a coupole hours! of course we were like the only ones there! bleh... but it wasss sooooo fun1 and the water wasnt as cold! we got home and it started raining again! it looks like the weather decided to get nice just for our beach trip! we were watching the news.... and next Wednesday and Thursday... it going to be showers all the way! i high fived my dad! nice timing right???? yup! i had fun! :D